Example: The below OVERLAY will extend the records. I have tried this but get a syntax error: I have managed to sort, sum and edit the data as required. Data at position 11 in input file will be compared with CHANGE list. I have taken out the "columns" from the BUILDs (those numbers followed by a colon). CSM, CSPO, CSD, CSP, A-CSPO, A-CSM are registered trademarks of Scrum Alliance. . OUTREC as equivalent of BUILD is only on OUTFIL. 88888JOHN PURCHASING 08000 OVERLAY says "update the information in the current record with these data-manipulations (BUILD always creates a new copy of the current record). By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. BUILD operand is used to construct the output record. VIJAY SUN 30000, //SORTSTEP EXEC PGM=SORT If the records are fixed-length, spaces would be appended to the end of the record to replace the deleted characters. JOHN 28000 00004, SORT FIELDS=COPY Example: Reformat each record by doing various types of find and replace operations. Thus total record length of output file is 40. Passing symbol value using DFSORT to file, Check if input file record is sorted and if not it should abend, Writing characters after x amount of records using a JCL Sort, Formatting captured spufi results using JCL. ICETOOL's COUNT operator how long you wanted the output data to be, so I have used OPTION COPY for clarity. C'TUE',C'TUESDAY', - Agree is the protected brand of Scrum.org. @Bill my both input files has approx 10000 records. 4) Convert PD back to ZD. TOT calculates the number of records in the input file. Lets say we have a file with a date in a particular position and we want to select only records where the date is greater than the current or a particular date + or N number of days and it can be 0 to 9999. Steps to Create the OUTREC Statement for Reformatting Records. Magic. SMITH 25000 00003 Reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one. d can be 1 to 15. JOHN 28000, //SORTSTEP EXEC PGM=SORT //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* Reformatting Records Using OUTREC - Part 2 We will explore few more common uses of OUTREC with examples below 1 . SMITH WED 25000 SORT FIELDS=COPY It is for copy records to output file. OUTREC method INCLUDE COND=(5,1,GE,C'M'),FORMAT=CH OUTREC FIELDS=(10,3,20,8,33,11,5,1) SORT FIELDS=(20,8,CH,A,10,3,FI,A) SUM FIELDS=(38,4,BI) Theseexamples illustrate how a fixed-length input data set is sorted and reformatted for output. Statement SORT FIELDS=COPY, is used here to indicate that all records should be copied from input file to output file. Your client may not be so happy at the end of the year to find that they've paid for reading and "counting" 7.3m records just so that you can set an RC. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain. This sort card will insert spaces in the first 20 bytes, then the fields 1 to 5 from the input file are moved to 21 thru 25, 26 thru 36 will have blanks and then input file fields from position 6 to 10 is moved to output file positions 37 to 41. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,30,4,CHANGE=(11,Cmath,Cmathematics),..) The math text starting from 30th byte of length 4 in the input file should replace with mathematics of length 11 while writing it to output file. JCL - Examples Example 1: Alocate PS dataset using IEFBR14 UTILITY //STEP01 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //DD1 DD DSN=userid.IBMMF.PSFILE, // DISP= (NEW,CATLG,DELETE),VOLUME=SER=DEVL, // SPACE= (TRK, (1,1),RLSE),UNIT=SYSDA, // DCB= (DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800) //* 1) Sort fields. They are identical. OUTFIL 03 gets all the not 0000s which are not 'Y'. We make use of First and third party cookies to improve our user experience. Overlay lets you change specific existing columns without affecting the entire record. Reformatting records after sorting with BUILD or FIELDS - IBM OK, perhaps 7.3m is not so large, but, when you have your "solution", the next person along is going to do it with 100,000 records, the next with 1,000,000 records. The advantage of the above types of solution is that they basically use very few resources. You can use nZ to specify n binary zeros. //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* Using BUILD on INREC, OUTREC and OUTFIL, and not using OUTFIL OUTREC= is simply for clarity. Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? C'SUN',C'SUNDAY', - Since hexadecimal representation occupies two digits for each character, here we will need output file with record length of 20. The sort utility you use does have them. If clause 1 is not satisfied, its overlay item is not applied and processing continues. What exactly you are getting? . . akshay TUESDAY 10000 Example: PARSE can be used for many different types of variable fields including delimited fields, comma separated values (CSV), tab separated values, blank separated values, keyword separated fields, null-terminated strings, and so on. A file has 100 records. The output file will contain the unique employee numbers sorted in ascending order. For Explanation In the above example, the SORT card will select the records, if the date in the input record is between the current date +/- 10days. Note, the physical order in which these are specified in the JCL does not affect the order they are processed in. Include 1 excludes what Include 2 and 3 will select, likewise Include 2 excludes what 1 and 3 will select. The OUTREC control statement allows you to reformat the input records after they are sorted, merged, or copied. OUTREC keeps only positions 1-80 for the OUTFIL output records, thus removing the identifier byte and sequence number we added in positions 81-83 with the INREC statement (we do not want these temporary fields in the OUTFIL output records). BUILD in SORT - mainframegurukul.com record length. To perform lookup of input data and if it matches then replace it with some other data. Table 2. // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=40,BLKSIZE=0), SORT FIELDS=COPY appropriate record length and LRECL by not specifying WIDTH(n). Example: Reformat each record by doing various types of find and replace operations. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,55,8,Y4W,ADDDAYS,+2,TOJUL=Y4T(/),..) adds +2 days to the date in the input file and converts it to Julian date before writing it to output file from 55th position. Letsinsert the below data types between the fields in the output file. To avoid confusion (due to the "overloading" of OUTREC), don't use OUTREC on OUTFIL, which is for "backwards compatability", use the modern BUILD instead, which is entirely equivalent. SORT FIELDS=(1,5,ZD,A) The input file will be sorted first and written to the output. // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=30,BLKSIZE=0), SORT FIELDS=COPY When it is used reformatting of records is doneAFTERthe sort. But if any of the fields in your records have variable positions or lengths, you can use PARSE to treat them as fixed parsed fields in BUILD or OVERLAY. . JOHN 08000 00001 The sequence number added in positions 82-83 will allow us to keep only the first header record and the first trailer record. places 'B' (matched records), '1' (present in file1, but not in file2), or '2' (present in file2 but not in file1) in the 1st position of the output BUILD. OUTREC in SORT JCL - Example 1 If you want to add sequence number to the output data after sorting input data. EDIT=(TTT.TT) is a used-defined edit mask, in this case inserting a decimal point, truncating the otherwise existing left-most digit, and having significant leading zeros when necessary. OUTREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=INIT,BUILD=(1:1,80)),..) Copies the 80 bytes data from input file to output as it is. than n, ICETOOL issues an error message and terminates the operation. Other usages with Inrecand Outrec:(SOurce IBM). default of 15 digits. DFSORT extends the reformatted input records from 80 bytes to 83 bytes to accommodate the identifier byte added in position 81 and the sequence number added in positions 82-83. Use one or more WHEN=(logexp) clauses to apply build or overlay items to your input records that meet specified criteria. //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* . Example: Experienced software developer. INREC and OUTREC do the same, but the only difference is the way reformatting is done. Arrange for those counts to be in a data set of their own (preferably with record-types, headers/trailers, more standard good practice). If you use PGM=SORT, for example, that's a utility. SORT FIELDS=COPY Why do many companies reject expired SSL certificates as bugs in bug bounties? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Explnation: Above statement will convert data field at position (1-10) of input file to Hexa-decimal representation and write it to output file. C'SAT',C'SATURDAY'), - . To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. a lower number of digits (d) instead by specifying DIGITS(d). Build parameter can be used in OUTFIL statement also. Would the magnetic fields of double-planets clash? As a mainframe resource, if you have command on DFSORT you will get many job opportunities. // DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE), CSM, CSPO, CSD, CSP, A-CSPO, A-CSM are registered trademarks of Scrum Alliance. Batch split images vertically in half, sequentially numbering the output files. OUTFIL 01, moved to make it easier to follow, gets all the records which are not selected on another OUTFIL (by using SAVE). 2. IFTHEN=(WHEN=(30,5,CH,EQ,Csmall),OVERLAY=(45:C***)) overlays the marks of the student with *** who are belong to small. For date values in the form Cyyyy/mm/dd, you could use the DATE1(/) constant; For date values in the form Cyyyy-mm, you could use the DATE2(-) constant; For date values in the form Pyyyyddd, you could use the DATE3P constant; For date values in the form Zyymmdd (2-digit year date), you could use the YDATE1 constant. Where, OVERLAY says "update the information in the current record with these data-manipulations (BUILD always creates a new copy of the current record). I will go through your answer, Multiplication division using DFSORT utility in Mainframe, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Product Owner Interview Questions and Answers Part II, JIRA Workflow for Optimal Project Tracking, Automatically Assign Issues JIRA Automation, JIRADashboard Popular Gadgets for Agile Teams, Vertical Slice vs Horizontal Slice User Story, WHEN=(logexp) clauses and WHEN=ANY clauses. TRAN=UTOL, can be used to convert data from upper case to lower case. INREC OVERLAY operation is used in order to rewrite data in input file before copying to output. The SORT, SUM and OUTREC statements are as follows: SORT FIELDS= (106,4,CH,A) SUM FIELDS= (162,4,BI,166,4,BI) OUTREC FIELDS= (106,4,162,4,166,4) Table 2 shows the output. CHANGE=(10, - . Following records will be selected from the input file. We share solutions for developer day to day problems and interview questions. WIDTH can only be specified //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* BUILD gives you complete control over the items you want in your reformatted OUTREC records and the order in which they appear. . Following records will be selected from the input file. Note that if all of the fields in your records have fixed positions and lengths, you dont need to use PARSE. 3) Sum new PD fields. If you want to replace or remove data anywhere in records, the FINDREP parameter of the OUTREC statement needs to use instead. You can use X or 1X to specify a single blank. . HDR and TRL are added as identifiers to header/trailer, which is user defined and can be customised as per the users' needs. SORT FIELDS=(1,3,ZD,A) - Once the above two tasks done, the file will sorted and the same writes to output after sorting. All to set an RC. Reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one. . Is there any other way of achieving the same in JCL? Reformatting Records Using OUTREC - Part 2 You can mix p,m fields (fixed fields) and %nn fields (parsed fields) in BUILD and OVERLAY. used, ICETOOL terminates the operation. Default for PARSE: None; must be specified. Reformatting Records Using OUTREC - Part 1 OUTREC keeps only positions 1-80 for the OUTFIL output records, thus removing the identifier byte and sequence number we added in positions 81-83 with the INREC statement (we do not want these temporary fields in the OUTFIL output records). Based on the 6th position of the file, the BUILD of output file varies. You could insert the current time as well as the current date in your records to produce a timestamp. OUTREC FIELDS=(1:6,25,26:46,5) value, you can let ICETOOL determine and set the appropriate LRECL OUTREC gives you the flexibility to reformat your output file in multiple ways .