(Anderson punched his hand with his fist in anger, the next day, Lincoln and Taylor started to ride their bicycles to the park, they ordered ice cream for them both, Lincoln got the Chocolate Vanilla Swirl while Taylor picked Strawberry Unicorn, they sat on a bench as they were looking at the clouds). Seventh Grade Boy #2: >to Lynn, frightened< We don't have any guns dude, let us ,go, you're hurting us! Taylor: Yes, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for causing an incident with the school bus, I should have known better than to threaten or tease you guys like that, they made me do it. Bullies You really saved my skin. Principal Ramirez: Now help Taylor escort Lincoln to class. Loud's Eleven bully Taylor: >to Stella< Thanksuh, what's your name again? Taylor: Oh, um, I was in the bathroom, picking on some girls >grins nervously<. You make me sick! Mr. Bolhofner: That's very nice, normally you are late, but it was a nice turn around, I'll except that. Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< Have a good day at school son. (The bullies, laughed at him some more, leaving Lincoln annoyed, then on a Tuesday, as Lincoln was opening his locker, Pablo picked him up and shoved him in there, he closes it locking him on the inside). Lynn Sr.: Well, you gave him trouble long enough, you can scold him or give him tickets all you want to, but you can't physically harm him like that, if you keep this up, everyone will think you will be a bad influence on him. Anderson: >to Taylor< There you are Taylor, where have you been? (Taylor left the guidance office and walked back to her classroom, in the hallway, one of the sixth graders was trying to go to the bathroom, but it turns out that he had a comic book in his pocket that he wanted to take out, so Lynn spied on him). WebLola blamed me for hitting her, Luan pulled another prank with a whoopie cushion, Lori poured water on me and destroyed my comic book, Lynn gave me a charlie horse and someone pushed me into mud! Lynn: Aha, eating in the hallway while school is in session huh chump? Mr. Chong: Precisely, that's why it's never a smart idea to be a bully whether it's face to face or on the internet, and you should never let them feed you with other users getting upset with you insults, but if you ever been trolled, ignore them and never feed trolls in the first place. (It starts at our school, the bell rings, and Lincoln walks in to Mrs. Johnsons class.) He started sobbing in his hands as he can only think about what his sisters said to him. (Pablo laughs as he walked away leaving Lincoln alone). (Mr. Chong shows them a window with Taylor going to school and a bunch of school students torture her for being a cyberbully and label her as an Internet Troll). Lincoln: Ive never heard the story of your brother that way, he truly was a monster. [passes by his classmates as they give him You really saved my skin. (Lincoln and the others just shut off their devices and ended video chat, meanwhile downstairs, Lynn was getting scolded by her parents). (Lincoln and Taylor ended their video chat and went to bed, then his stomach growled loudly, he knew that the tacos were ready to go, so he rushed to the bathroom, luckily none of the sisters were up, so he closed the door gently to do his business, the next day in Mr. Bolhofner's trailer, Lincoln like yesterday was the first to be present). School Officer: >to Seventh Grade Boys< It's okay Boys, I'll let you two off with a warning this time, now head to class, >to Lynn< And as for you, while you are not Hall Monitor anymore, I'm just glad you took it serious, so I'll let this slide for a while, don't be harassing students anymore. bully WebLANA: (angry) If you ever bully our brother like that, you're gonna get it! Lincoln was in the kitchen helping his mother cook. Lincoln: >to friends< It's okay, everything is done and over with, I hope it doesn't get worse. Taylor: Speaking of which, I would like to meet your family, of course I already know who Lynn is. Lynn Sr.: >to Taylor< Well, thats what parents do. I'll discuss this with your parents later! Rita: I know, the principal told us, your father and I will deal with her later, but I'm glad it's not those same eighth grade bullies this time. (The bullies continued to mock and tease him while Lincoln was rolling his eyes, then this afternoon, Anderson tripped him as Pablo picked him up as Taylor cracked her knuckles ready to punch him). Lincoln: I've been living with a few of my jerky sisters like Lynn for example. Lincoln: >to Taylor< Now that all of this is in the past, we certainly can be friends, that is if you want to be part of our group. (Taylor smiled and shed a small tear on her eye, the student body clapped their hand and whistled for her, she placed her hands to her heart, Principal Ramirez walked up to her). Not what I was expecting but, I accept your apology. WebIts All Relative Chapter 8: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. Taylor: Thank you, if you don't mind, would you like for me to escort you to the principal's office? (Taylor waved bye to Lincoln and Lincoln waved bye back to her, he opened the door to see Mr. Bolhofner working on the chalkboard and no other students were present just yet, he took his assigned seat in peace, Mr. Bolhofner was surprised to see Lincoln in class first). Lincoln: You know, for an eighth grader, you seem to have a change of heart and Im glad we are starting over. Image details Image size Lynn: >annoyed, to Anderson and Pablo< Why don't you chumps leave me alone!?!? Lynn: Why did you boys say something about shooting? Taylor: >sighs< I love my new school job! Making the Grade (my version WebNo one was especially cruel to him so he accepted cruelty as a part of life. He looks around and sees it riding away on the highway The conditions in Royal Woods became intolerable, and she must look for new chances to survive. +5 more. Image details Image size Taylor: Until suddenly, when I started Middle School, I started to snap, I have beaten up my big brother as I didn't want to be bullied by him anymore, he was much worse in high school as he joined a gang before I beaten him, after I beat him, I became a bully because I was scared that the other kids would pick on me, later on, I joined Pablo and Anderson, the two boys who were with me when we ganged up on you on the school bus. Anderson: Those little twerps, why does she think she can hang around with babies like them and not us? Taylor: Greeting Royal Woods Kangaroos Im Taylor, you may know me as the bully on the bus, or the hallway, I want to make a quick apology, the reason why I was bullied was because someone on my family bullied me at a young age, and because I was prepared for middle school, I had to defend myself against anyone who would pick on me, after that, everyone was scared of me, except Anderson and Pablo, the wrong group that I accidentally ran with, they manipulated me into doing something I wasnt supposed to do, and I owe everyone a huge apology and I deserve a second chance, but I would like to inform everyone that being an eighth grader is a lot of hard work and discipline, as eighth graders, its our responsibility to lead all sixth and seventh graders down the right path and have them make the right decisions, if we were to lead them the wrong path, then we would set a bad example for them, just because someone older than you bullies you, doesnt mean that you should bully others, and I have learned my lesson, any continuation of a bully may cause others to have depression, low self esteem, low peer pressure and suicidal thoughts and bullying is the number one causes of these consequences, so my motto is, Be a buddy, not a Bully, this is Taylor signing off. School Officer: Sorry isnt good enough for you young lady, this is the second time you have been aggressive, this time to an officer, if I see you messing with anybody out by the hallway one more time, you will be suspended, understand? Lincoln Loud was labeled as bad luck by his sisters and was locked out of his house. Lincoln: >angered, to Anderson< Anderson! Anderson: >to Lincoln< What are you doing out here and soalone! Chapter 2: Bully Killer, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction The Loud House Month Of Horror! Mr. Chong: Never become a bully just because you have been bullied by someone else. Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< I don't want to hear another word out of you anymore, until you start helping Lincoln more often, you're grounded, which means no more Sports channels for you for the rest of the month. Stella: >to Lincoln< Even after she bullied us? (Lynn all steamed up walked out of the Principals office and opens the door, she slams it in frustration while walking by Lincoln and Taylor, she shoves Lincoln out of the way). (Lincoln started to play his game without worrying about Lynn, the next day, Lincoln was riding Vanzilla alongside Leni, Luna, and Luan as Lynn Sr. was the one driving them to their respected schools). Is it Ronnie Anne again? Loud House Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< Junior, Why didn't you bother helping him? Nobody likes you at all, you are a nerd, and nobody will ever love you. Mr. Chong: Incorrect, this isn't you anymore, this is what you used to be, now let's take a look at your real self. Fanfiction - One Fateful Fight Fanfiction - Road Trip Rage WebIn a post-apocalyptic world, Lori Loud, the only survivor of the Loud family, struggles to stay alive. (Taylor and Lincoln hear the sound of feet coming down the stairs, at least eight sisters except Lynn greeted Taylor), Lincoln: Predict me to introduce you to my sisters, >to Leni< Leni, >to Luna< Luna, >to Luan< Luan. Taylor: They may be eighth graders, but theyll learn soon enough, trust me, Ive been around them since I was in sixth grade, even though I have made the wrong choice to join up with them. The conditions in Royal Woods became intolerable, and she must look for new chances to survive. Fanfic) The Sister Role Reversal Lynn: So Stinkoln, running in the hallway haven't you? Lynn: >to Lincoln, shoves him< Out of the way Stinkoln! However, when they are discovered they are forced to go on the run. Lincoln: Thanks Mom and Dad, Ill go tell her right now. (Pablo imitates Lincoln acting like a crybaby). Pablo: What is she doing with those sixth grade babies? But then Ronnie Anne came and all of that changed in the twinkling of an eye. Anderson: >to Pablo< Shut up, stop taking his side! Anderson: I think her plan is that she wants to be Lincolns friend and he felt for it perfectly, now the closer she gets to him, the closer she gets to his baby sistersand once she has them all alone, >punches his hand with his fist< WHAM. Im a master at this. WebLola blamed me for hitting her, Luan pulled another prank with a whoopie cushion, Lori poured water on me and destroyed my comic book, Lynn gave me a charlie horse and someone pushed me into mud! Taylor: >to Anderson and Pablo< What Im trying to say is, as eighth graders, its our job to lead sixth and seventh graders down the right path and make good decisions, if we bully them and lead them down the wrong path, they will make bad decisions, I was wrong to make bad decisions, I never should have joined up with you guys, the main reason why I bullied others was because my big brother bullied me and I made things worse for everybody, I want to change, and you guys forced me into doing things I dont want to do, you have no right to control me into doing something that wasnt nice, from now on, I make my own decisions and I no longer want to associate with the both of you, we are done being friends, by my friendship with Lincoln has just begun, say what you want about me, but Im not going to fight any of you, because fighting is not the answer to anything! You make me sick! What was it that attracted her to him? Principal Ramirez wants to talk to you. Special thanks to BigFanofEntertainment and Jokeman20 for story assistance. Mr. Chong: Please pay attention, let us see what would happen if you continue doing this. Lincoln: As I was saying before I was interrupted, we have >to Lucy< Lucy, >to Lana< Lana, >to Lola< Lola, >to Lisa< Lisa >to Lily< and Lily. Fanfiction - One Fateful Fight BULLY: Y-Yes! School Officer: >to Lynn< Young lady, consider that your first warning, and if I ever catch you you here harassing and torturing other students in this hallway two more times, I will have you suspended, this is your first verbal warning. WebTo clear things up, the ending of the last chapter of 'Restored Image' actually hinted at the start of this story; this story, along with 'A collection of Loud House one shots' (another one of my Loud House stories up on this site), are set in a different universe than where the 'Broken Mirror' stories and 'Restored Image' are set.
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