I am a Unionist, and in this sense a national Republican. If I could, by a mere act of my will, put at the disposal of the federal government any amount of treasure which I might think proper to name, I should limit the amount to the means necessary for the legitimate purposes of the government. Sir, when the gentleman provokes me to such a conflict, I meet him at the threshold. Go to these cities now, and ask the question. For Calhoun, see the Speech on Abolition Petitions and the Speech on the Oregon Bill. Sir, an immense national treasury would be a fund for corruption. South Carolinas Declaration of the Causes of Secession (1860), Jefferson Daviss Inaugural Address (1861), Documents in Detail: The Webster-Hayne Debates, Remarks in Congress on the Tariff of Abominations, Check out our collection of primary source readers. Sir, I should fear the rebuke of no intelligent gentleman of Kentucky, were I to ask whether, if such an ordinance could have been applied to his own state, while it yet was a wilderness, and before Boone had passed the gap of the Alleghany, he does not suppose it would have contributed to the ultimate greatness of that commonwealth? Consolidation!that perpetual cry, both of terror and delusionconsolidation! The people of the United States have declared that this Constitution shall be the Supreme Law. . The debaters were Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina. It is the common pretense. Chris has a master's degree in history and teaches at the University of Northern Colorado. . . . This important consideration, seriously and deeply impressed on our minds, led each state in the Convention to be less rigid, on points of inferior magnitude, than might have been otherwise expected.. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions | Overview, Impact & Significance, Public Speaking for Teachers: Professional Development, AEPA Earth Science (AZ045): Practice & Study Guide, ORELA Early Childhood Education: Practice & Study Guide, Praxis Middle School English Language Arts (5047) Prep, MTLE Physical Education: Practice & Study Guide, ILTS Mathematics (208): Test Practice and Study Guide, MTLE Earth & Space Science: Practice & Study Guide, AEPA Business Education (NT309): Help & Review, Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE): Exam Prep & Study Guide, GACE Special Education Adapted Curriculum Test I (083) Prep, GACE Special Education Adapted Curriculum Test II (084) Prep, Create an account to start this course today. We, sir, who oppose the Carolina doctrine, do not deny that the people may, if they choose, throw off any government, when it becomes oppressive and intolerable, and erect a better in its stead. . Hayne's First Speech (January 19, 1830) Webster's First Reply to Hayne (January 20, 1830) Hayne's Second Speech (January 21, 1830) Webster's Second Reply to Hayne (January 26-27, 1830) This page was last edited on 13 June 2021, at . But I take leave of the subject. He remained a Southern Unionist through his long public career and a good type of the growing class of statesman devoted to slave interests who loved the Union as it was and doted upon its compromises. They will not destroy it, they will not impair itthey will only save, they will only preserve, they will only strengthen it! Crittenden Compromise Plan & Reception | What was the Crittenden Compromise? Connecticut and other northeastern states were worried about the pace of growth and wanted to slow this down. . - Definition and Uses, Public Speaking: Assignment 1 - Informative Speech, Public Speaking: Assignment 3 - Special Occasion Speech, The Role of Probability Distributions, Random Numbers & the Computer in Simulations, The Monte Carlo Simulation: Scope & Common Applications, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, The methods by which the federal government earned its revenue, The federal government's surveying and selling of land west of the Mississippi River, The issue of slavery, which was beginning to divide the Northern and Southern states, The balance of power between federal and state governments. An undefinable dread now went abroad that men were planning against the peace of the nation, that the Union was in danger; and citizens looked more closely after its safety and welfare. Webster rose the next day in his seat to make his reply. The gentleman has made an eloquent appeal to our hearts in favor of union. Hayne and the South saw it as basically a treaty between sovereign states. It was of a partizan and censorious character and drew nearly all the chief senators out. She has a BA in political science. Connecticut's proposal was an attempt to slow the growth of the nation, control westward expansion, and bolster the federal government's revenue. The excited crowd which had packed the Senate chamber, filling every seat on the floor and in the galleries, and all the available standing room, dispersed after the orator's last grand apostrophe had died away in the air, with national pride throbbing at the heart. Robert Young Hayne, (born Nov. 10, 1791, Colleton District, S.C., U.S.died Sept. 24, 1839, Asheville, N.C.), American lawyer, political leader, and spokesman for the South, best-remembered for his debate with Daniel Webster (1830), in which he set forth a doctrine of nullification. MTEL Speech: Public Discourse & Debate in the U.S. The United States, under the Constitution and federal government, was a single, unified nation, not a coalition of sovereign states. We could not send them back to the shores from whence their fathers had been taken; their numbers forbade the thought, even if we did not know that their condition here is infinitely preferable to what it possibly could be among the barren sands and savage tribes of Africa; and it was wholly irreconcilable with all our notions of humanity to tear asunder the tender ties which they had formed among us, to gratify the feelings of a false philanthropy. TeachingAmericanHistory.org is a project of the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University, 401 College Avenue, Ashland, Ohio 44805 PHONE (419) 289-5411 TOLL FREE (877) 289-5411 EMAIL [emailprotected], The Congress Sends Twelve Amendments to the States, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 3rd Debate Part I, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 3rd Debate Part II, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 4th Debate Part I, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 4th Debate Part II, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 6th Debate Part I, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 6th Debate Part II, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 7th Debate Part I, National Disfranchisement of Colored People, William Lloyd Garrison to Thomas Shipley. . . These debates transformed into a national crisis when South Carolina threatened . Two leading ideas predominated in this reply, and with respect to either Hayne was not only answered but put to silence. I would strengthen the ties that hold us together. Battle of Fort Sumter in the Civil War | Who Won the Battle of Fort Sumter? Sir, the opinion which the honorable gentleman maintains, is a notion, founded in a total misapprehension, in my judgment, of the origin of this government, and of the foundation on which it stands. It was plenary then, and never having been surrendered, must be plenary now. The Webster-Hayne debates began over one issue but quickly switched to another. flashcard sets. On January 19, 1830, Hayne attacked the Foot Resolution and labeled the Northeasterners as selfish and unprincipled for their support of protectionism and conservative land policies. . Historians love a good debate. The honorable member himself is not, I trust, and can never be, one of these. I know, full well, that it is, and has been, the settled policy of some persons in the South, for years, to represent the people of the North as disposed to interfere with them, in their own exclusive and peculiar concerns. God grant that, in my day, at least, that curtain may not rise. . [was] fixed, forever, the character of the population in the vast regions Northwest of the Ohio, by excluding from them involuntary servitude. The Webster-Hayne debate was a series of spontaneous speeches presented to the United States Senate by senators Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina. . Let us look at the historical facts. . An accomplished politician, Hayne was an eloquent orator who enthralled his audiences. . Southern states advocated for strong, sovereign state governments, a small federal government, the western expansion of the agricultural economy, and with it, the maintenance of the institution of slavery. What can I say? How do Webster and Hayne differ in regard to their understandings of the proper relationship among the several states and between the states and the national government? First, New England was vindicated. See what I mean? Representatives of the northern states were concerned by the rapid growth of the nation; just 27 years earlier, the Louisiana Purchase had nearly doubled the size of the nation, and the newly elected President Andrew Jackson was hungry for more territory. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Web hardcover $30.00 paperback $17.00 kindle nook book ibook. This will co-operate with the feelings of patriotism to induce a state to avoid any measures calculated to endanger that connection. We will not look back to inquire whether our fathers were guiltless in introducing slaves into this country. . In this regard, Webster anticipated an argument that Abraham Lincoln made in his First Inaugural Address (1861). . Thirty years before the Civil War broke out, disunion appeared to be on the horizon with the Nullification Crisis. The gentleman insists that the states have no right to decide whether the constitution has been violated by acts of Congress or not,but that the federal government is the exclusive judge of the extent of its own powers; and that in case of a violation of the constitution, however deliberate, palpable and dangerous, a state has no constitutional redress, except where the matter can be brought before the Supreme Court, whose decision must be final and conclusive on the subject. Are we in that condition still? . Sir, there exists, moreover, a deep and settled conviction of the benefits, which result from a close connection of all the states, for purposes of mutual protection and defense. Webster scoffed at the idea of consolidation, labeling it "that perpetual cry, both of terror and delusion." What Hayne and his supporters actually meant to do, Webster claimed, was to resist those means that might strengthen the bonds of common interest. It moves vast bodies, and gives to them one and the same direction. . You see, to the south, the Constitution was essentially a treaty signed between sovereign states. To all this, sir, I was disposed most cordially to respond. The following states came from the territory north and west of the Ohio river: Ohio (1803), Indiana (1816), Illinois (1818), Michigan (1837), Wisconsin (1848) and Minnesota (1858). What was going on? When the honorable member rose, in his first speech, I paid him the respect of attentive listening; and when he sat down, though surprised, and I must say even astonished, at some of his opinions, nothing was farther from my intention than to commence any personal warfare: and through the whole of the few remarks I made in answer, I avoided, studiously and carefully, everything which I thought possible to be construed into disrespect. This is the sense in which the Framers of the Constitution use the word consolidation; and in which sense I adopt and cherish it. The honorable gentleman from Massachusetts while he exonerates me personally from the charge, intimates that there is a party in the country who are looking to disunion. Webster believed that the Constitution should be viewed as a binding document between the United States rather than an agreement between sovereign states. If I had, sir, the powers of a magician, and could, by a wave of my hand, convert this capital into gold for such a purpose, I would not do it. . I regard domestic slavery as one of the greatest of evils, both moral and political. Van Buren responded to the Panic of 1837 with the idea of the independent treasury, which was a. a system of depositing money in select independent banks In the course of my former remarks, I took occasion to deprecate, as one of the greatest of evils, the consolidation of this government. Daniel Webster, in a dramatic speech, showed the danger of the states' rights doctrine, which permitted each State to decide for itself which laws were unconstitutional, claiming it would lead to civil war. . Allow me to say, as a preliminary remark, that I call this the South Carolina doctrine, only because the gentleman himself has so denominated it. Correct answers: 2 question: Which of the following is the best definition of a hypothesis? The scene depicted in the painting is Webster concluding his debate with Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina. Webster was eloquent, he was educated, he was witty, and he was a staunch defender of American liberty. . Let's start by looking at the United States around 1830. The Most Famous Senate Speech January 26, 1830 The debate began simply enough, centering on the seemingly prosaic subjects of tariff and public land policy. The people read Webster's speech and marked him as the champion henceforth against all assaults upon the Constitution. The action, the drama, the suspensewho needs the movies? . All regulated governments, all free governments, have been broken up by similar disinterested and well-disposed interference! . The United States' democratic process was evolving and its leaders were putting the newly ratified Constitution into practice. We are ready to make up the issue with the gentleman, as to the influence of slavery on individual and national characteron the prosperity and greatness, either of the United States, or of particular states. This was the tenor of Webster's speech, and nobly did the country respond to it. The Webster-Hayne debate, which again was just one section of this greater discussion in the Senate, is traditionally considered to have begun when South Carolina senator Robert Y. Hayne stood to argue against Connecticut's proposal, accusing the northeastern states of trying to stall development of the West so that southern agricultural interests couldn't expand. This government, sir, is the independent offspring of the popular will. Certainly, sir, I am, and ever have been of that opinion. On that system, Ohio and Carolina are different governments, and different countries, connected here, it is true, by some slight and ill-defined bond of union, but, in all main respects, separate and diverse. . . It would be equally fatal to the sovereignty and independence of the states. . Lincoln-Douglas Debates History & Significance | What Was the Lincoln-Douglas Debate? Senator Foote, of Connecticut, submitted a proposition inquiring into the expediency of limiting the sales of public lands to those already in the market. The Senate debates between Whig Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Democrat Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina in January 1830 started out as a disagreement over the sale of Western lands and turned into one of the most famous verbal contests in American history. . - Women's Rights Facts & Significance, Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points: Definition, Speech & Summary, Fireside Chats: Definition & Significance, JFK's New Frontier: Definition, Speech & Program. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Webster and the northern states saw the Constitution as binding the individual states together as a single union. Correspondence Between Anthony Butler and Presiden State of the Union Address Part II (1846). The tendency of all these ideas and sentiments is obviously to bring the Union into discussion, as a mere question of present and temporary expediency; nothing more than a mere matter of profit and loss. Tariff of Abominations of 1828 | What was the Significance of the Tariff of Abominations? . . Assuredly not. It laid the interdict against personal servitude, in original compact, not only deeper than all local law, but deeper, also, than all local constitutions. . . But that was found insufficient, and inadequate to the public exigencies. . Thousands of these deluded victims of fanaticism were seduced into the enjoyment of freedom in our Northern cities. It was about protectionist tariffs.The speeches between Webster and Hayne themselves were not planned. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. It is one from which we are not disposed to shrink, in whatever form or under whatever circumstances it may be pressed upon us. . But, sir, the gentleman is mistaken. An error occurred trying to load this video. Ostend Manifesto of 1854 Overview & Purpose | What was the Ostend Manifesto?